This february we spent two weeks travelling accross western Canada : a week in Vancouver Island and a week in the southern Yukon. For this trip I subscribed to a temporary and limited option on my cellphone contract to get Internet also in Canada. It was perfect to help me planning some changes to the trip or check some information here and there, but not for the GPS use.
After checking the rental car companies GPS option rates I decided to try one of the few phone GPS available on online stores. Some Google searches led me to test for two reasons : it is free, and light. Very light.
My cellphone is old (was…. actually he died on the ice of Yukon at the end of our trip but it is another story ;-)) so I didn’t have a lot of available space on its disk. was perfect for that kind of situation : a map of the whole Vancouver Island weight only 50Mo. Nothing compared to popular GPS like Google Map !
After two weeks of use, I have nothing wrong to say about It worked very well for us and the only issue we experienced was that sometimes it asked us to exit on highways and then to return immediatly. Nothing difficult to predict once you realise it is a common mistake (easy to check on the map anyaway).
Today I still have on my cellphone. It works perfectly and save some datas to my Internet subscription when I need to do a long drive.
I know that many other GPS smartphone options are available online, but if you don’t know which one to choose try You won’t be disappointed.